Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Global Warming And Getting Right With God

When you receive the Seal you will prepare yourself, because global warming is ushering in the end times. As global warming progresses the end of the world is approaching and you will prepare yourself spiritually.
2007 was tied as the 2nd-hottest year in recorded history. In the north, thaws are already happening a week earlier in the spring and freezing does not happen now for another week.

This has changed in the past century, and most of the change has happened in the past decade. Since global warming is speeding up, you can see it is a sign of the end times.

When the disciples of Jesus asked Him about what the end-times would be like, He told them a simple parable. It was the parable of a fig tree. When the fig tree blossoms, you know that summer is near.

Jesus said the end of the world would come like a summer. And what do you have happening now? Global warming turning your winters into summers. The fig tree is blossoming. That "summer" is approaching.

Natural disasters are rising along with world temperatures. There are more wildfires now. There are more droughts. There are more floods. The hurricanes that do happen are more severe.

These natural disasters are going to affect the poor people of the world much more than they will affect the wealthy people like the inhabitants of the United States. But most of the pollution causing global warming is from the US.

The US is the world's biggest polluter of carbon dioxide, the "greenhouse gas" blamed for trapping in the heat of the sun much like a greenhouse keeps the plants inside it warm.

But much of the CO2 emitted by the US is from coal-fired power plants. This is something that can be changed quite easily. And another large amount of CO2 is from automobiles. New technology can soon replace this old-fashioned way of getting around.

But for now nothing is being done in the US, the place with the most capital and ingenuity to solve the problems of global warming. Nothing is being done by the biggest offender, also the one most able to make changes.

But the capital and the ingenuity are not enough. That will not change the people. And even changing people so they are not polluting as much is not enough. People need to change spiritually now.

You need to change spiritually. You need to get right with God because global warming is the ushering in of the end times. This is not prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled. This has already started happening.

You need to be sealed. Then you will please God. Then God will write His Name upon your forehead. And then you will belong to God. And when you belong to God you will enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

The world is coming to an end but you can have eternal Life in Heaven. Then your life will never end. And Heaven will not be destroyed by an unscrupulous bunch of people.

When you are sealed you will be right with God. And that is what you need today--to get right with God. Because global warming is the beginning of the end of the world. And at the end God will accept you when you receive the Seal.

About the Author
And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" Jason Witt

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